Thursday, 17 January 2019

queen of the underworld

 I was only going to take one of these photos, but one turned into a whole lot and it felt only right to share them. Really, if you don't take photos of yourself as Persephone and publish them on your blog, what are you doing with your life?

On a whim I started participating in the Instagram Weekend Hashtag Project (we'll see how long I'll keep that up..), but taking just one photo isn't really my thing. Or deciding on one that I like the best. What is my thing is getting really into Greek mythology from time to time. At the moment, I've been reading the Robert Graves's versions. (And also was somewhat inspired by the Proserpine painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.) I feel like this isn't something I usually do, but maybe it is something I'd like to do more of. Not quite sure yet. This feels a bit like the kind of early 2010s blogging that I was into; curious little pictures, thoughts and mini essays on things like Persephone or the mixture of the the two. Or neither. Early 2010s were random and so is this post, so maybe I won't go back to that. What I liked about it was that everyone was doing their own thing and doing what they loved and wanted, though. It rarely feels like that anymore. This was just supposed to be a post about me and a pomegranate Persephoning it up, so I'll end it here. Enjoy.


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