Friday, 2 September 2011


 It's true that you start to appreciate things once you lose them. In every single thing. At times I'm having a slight heartbreak when I remember we'll be moving away from our house as soon as it's possible. I think Maula, my village, is really pretty and peaceful:) I'm the only one of my siblings who's loved living so far away from everything. Of course it's a bit irritating that it takes at least half an hour to get anywhere but still. I'd rather stay here. Love the place.

 These pictures are from the other day, I randomly stopped to photograph mushrooms..

I'm away today, so we'll see if I'll have the energy to post more when I get back home:) Later!


Sam said...

Great picture's! xx

Laura Jones said...

t - thank you, dear:) x

Britt - thank you, lovely! x

Rosalina S. said...

Its funny how recalling the sadden things in the past makes us laugh :D its normal. Just enjoy your presence now..


Claudia said...

These photos are so beautiful! Everything's so green!

Laura Jones said...

Rosalina S. - that's true, and one really should remember to try and live in the moment! thank you for the comment, darling:) x

Molto ❤ Fashion - thank you, hun! it's lovely now just before all the autumn colours start to fade the green away:) x

Unknown said...

Oh gosh your blog is a complete dream xxx such marvelous imagery I love nature images...and the mushrooms are so cute

Laura Jones said...

Karin - why thank you, petal! xo

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