Wednesday 28 August 2019

project 365: weeks xviii-xxii

Here's photos from May:

 121: It was raining.

 122: Midnight snackin'.

 123: My boring life is mostly made up of me in bed watching TV.

 124: A small mess.

 125: Made the worst banana pancakes (honestly, why were they so bad?) and also tea-bread, always.

 127: Had a period of time when I was eating liquorice a lot.

 128: My little plants were growing!

 129: Made and sent some (birthday) cards because I am ~crafty~.

 130: Bought some The Body Shop things. And I bought them online and kind of thought they'd be in glass bottles like my last moisturizer from them, but, no, almost everything was in plastic. I've still liked everything I got.

 131: Trying to stay on top of things (and failing most of the time, haha).

 132: I watched a lot of football towards the end of the season.

 133: Went to two art exhibitions in Helsinki, and one of the exhibits was made out of actual dandelion seeds!

 134: Since I didn't have any flatmates (from Jan to Aug), I never put away my guest air matress and used it as my "day bed". So this was my set-up for the longest time. I miss it.

 135: My travel book and some Magritte things from the exhibition from earlier on.

 136: Laundry day.

 137: Breakfast.

 138: I'm always trying to wear my jewellery more often and I don't know why it's become so hard when I used to always accessorize!

 139: Always eating pancakes.

 140: Started the swimming season in my favourite place.

 141: A pretty sunset. There were so many pretty sunsets in the spring (or maybe I just somehow paid more attention to them).

 142: Some of my curls have been so good, and some of them apparently haven't gotten the memo that they're supposed to be curls. If anyone has recommendations for cruelty-free/vegan, natural-ish hair gels or other products that'd hold curls/waves intact, that'd be greatly appreciated!

 143: Still reading all about history.

 144: A museum trip.

 145: Sweet potato-potato mash has been my favourite for a while now!

 146: Here's me after walking in the rain to vote.

 147: I wanted something sweet to snack on but didn't have anything and didn't have many ingredients either, so these very simple orange muffins had to do.

 148: Ate a lot of wraps like this when it was hot and I didn't feel like cooking or eating anything warm.

 149: But also had home-made pizza quite a few times. I kind of want to make one now, too!

 150: Getting ready for a new month in my bujo.

151: Lil' rowan trees in bloom outside my building.

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