Sunday, 8 April 2018

project 365: week fourteen

 Decided to post this on Sunday instead of Monday since I've not had the energy to get any other posts ready this week. So here's what I've been up to this week (spoiler alert: not much):

 092: Still eating all the chocolate on Easter Monday!

 093: Some new bits from The Body Shop I've been using. I think it was the week before last that I only went to get a deodorant, but ended up getting these and some samples as well..

 094: The one day I felt well enough to want to go outside it was raining, haha! But I did go outside anyway - to take the recycling out. How exciting! Literally the most exciting thing in my life is that my block of flats now has a recycling bin for plastic as well outside. Hooray.

 095: I took my fairy lights down, but instead of putting them away they're now placed in this tankard. This way you can't see that all of the lights aren't working anymore, haha!

 096: I had another day of being well enough, which was lucky as it was the day I was meant to be in Helsinki with my mum. And I had a lovely wee day with her, seeing museums and Moomins and other Helsinki sights.

 097: And genuinely after one day out and about I had my second migraine of the week. I basically "got up" around 8pm, but really did not do anything all day. April hasn't been the best for me so far, haha.

098: I had left some stuff to be repaired at my mum's, so she brought back my sunglasses and this bracelet. I got this for my 10th birthday and, although it's clearly for a child, I think it's cute and can start wearing it again now. Also, I don't want to jinx it but Sunday's been the only day this week that I felt good, so hopefully that'll last into next week/the rest of the month.

What has this week been like for you?


Corinne said...

Sorry to hear about the migraines, ugh! Love the rain photo.

Corinne x

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

Hope you are doing well girl! And stay warm!

Miguel Gouveia said...

Thanks a lot :D

perfect recaps my friend :D Super cool post!

InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

Laura Jones said...

Corinne - ugh indeed! and thank you, lovely! xx

Gail J - i am, thank you! and hope you're good as well, dear! xx

Miguel Gouveia - thanks, pal! xx

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