Monday, 16 April 2018

project 365: week fifteen

 099: Living that boring life.

 100: My wee basil is keeping on growing.

 101: A mini-OOTD of these Adidas leggings I've been living in last week, and probably this week as well.

 102: It was fairly sunny, but it's still very bare everywhere. Looking forward to everything being green again (soon)!

 103: Putting away most of my winter things!

 104: I mentioned on Instagram how hot my flat/room is, how I've not had the radiator on all winter, and how it's getting increasingly hotter with spring. So, now I'm having the window open on the sunniest days and will probably transition into not closing it all summer. What a struggle.

 105: But with the weather warming up, getting to wear all my more summery dresses is an exciting thing. Except that I'm basically just wearing the leggings atm..

What did you get up to last week, did you get to enjoy some of the spring weather?


Hena Tayeb said...

oh your basil is looking beautiful. Our insy weensy mint died while we were on vacation :(

Panty Buns said...

I'm sure everything outside will be turning green soon. It's cheering to be able to start putting winter clothes away.
The basil looks good!
I love the colour and floral print on those floral Adidas leggings - they look great styled with the grey Tee.
The summery dresses on the rail in the bottom photo look pretty. I like the look of the light blue dress with the elastic at the bottom of the short sleeves.

Laura Jones said...

Hena Tayeb - thanks, lady! how sad! that's a downside to travelling - you can't always have a lot of plants. xx

Panty Buns - yes, it's definitely already starting to happen. and thank you so much, hon! xx

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