Sunday, 30 October 2011


I'm not dressing up for Halloween, not going to any parties, in fact not doing anything special. But one's got to have a pumpkin! I've never made anything of pumpkin, except carved it. Hopefully I'll find a nice recipe for a pumpkin pie or soup. I don't even know if I like pumpkin, I can't remember having it.. But one's got to have a pumpkin.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Leather jacket - My auntie's old
Dress - Primark
Scarf & Shoes - Seppälä

Loving our faces here:')

 My sister's visiting with her Austrian friend, and yesterday we did some sightseeing. I should've been on my French lesson but after sitting about 15 minutes in class I asked the teacher if I could leave earlier to go on a "family experience" (that's what my sister calls everything we do together, or a sister experience if it's the two of us, haha!). My French teacher has taught my sister as well so she just said "Of course, tell Aino I said hi to her!" Every teacher should be like that! :)


These are from Kukkolankoski. It's ~hour's drive from us and the river, Torniojoki, is the largest river in Europe that runs free. That's about as exciting as the tourist attractions get around here, must admit it's pretty though. Even on a gray day, like it was yesterday.


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

mirror, mirror on the wall...

Blouse - Handmade by my auntie
Skirt - Primark

...I'm my mother after all. Think that's so true. Surely everyone wants to be different from their mother and think they won't be like them. Both in looks and personality. However, often it goes the other way, and we resemble our mothers. But it's not that bad, at least I'd think so. I've always heard that I'm like a mini mama. Especially when I was 10 I looked exactly like my 10-year-old mother, if you had seen just photos you would've thought we were twins!

Had a nice (ish) day. I had a kantele performance, and despite the fact I had practiced only two days before it, it went alright. Later I had my kantele lesson (which is every Wednesday, I go to a local musical college, beside school:>) and I've played so much that my fingers are full of blisters. (Slight exaggeration there..)

Hope you had a splendid Wednesday♥!

double challenge

Got this double challenge from Minna, as it's in both Finnish and English, thought I'd do it in both languages. So here we go:

Ensimmäisessa haasteessa vastataan seuraaviin kysymyksiin:
In the first challenge you have to answer the following questions:

1. Suosikkiväri: Sininen, ihan vaan yleisesti.
1. Favourite colour: Blue, just in general.

(Picasso's blue period)

 2. Suosikkieläin: Kissa:)
2. Favourite animal: Cat:)


3. Suosikkinumero: 7
3. Favourite number: 7

4. Suosikki alkoholiton juoma: Varmaan maito, oon alkanu juomaan sitä taas aika paljon!
4. Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Eh, milk, I guess, I've started to drink milk quite a lot!

5. Facebook vs. Twitter: Facebook, I've a slight addiction..

6. Intohimoni: Hullun hankala! Vaikka lukeminen:-)
6. My passion: Soo difficult, don't think I have such a passion, but I'll say reading:-)

Such an old photo!

7. Saada vai antaa lahja: Hehe, tykkään kummastaki, mutta ehkä antamisen ilo kestää kauemmin:)
7. To give or receive a present: Both, hehe. But suppose the joy of giving lasts longer:)

8. Suosikkikuvio: No nytten tykkään polka dotseista! Sehän on kai kuvio!
8. Favourite pattern: At the moment, I'm liking polka dots. That's a pattern, right?

9. Suosikkiviikonpäivä: Sunnuntai.
9. Favourite day of the week: Sunday.

10. Suosikkikukka: Orvokki, terveisin Laura Suvi Orvokki;)
10. Favourite flower: Violets. My name's Laura Suvi Orvokki, Suvi meaning summer and Orvokki meaning violet.

Toisessa haasteessa kerrotaan kahdeksan satunnaista asiaa itsestä.
In the next challenge you are to tell eight random things about yourself.

1. Pienenä halusin aina jonkun muun nimen. Välillä koitin saada ihmiset kutsumaan mua Orvokiksi, 9-vuotiaana käytin puolen vuoden ajan nimeä Petra ja Fredrika olis ollut mun unelma nimi. Nykyään oon ihan tyytyväinen Lauraan.
1. When I was wee i tried to change my name all the time. Once I tried to convince people to use Orvokki, as a 9-year-old I was Petra for 6 months and Fredrika would've been my dream name. Now I'm quite contented with Laura.

2. Tykkään vanhoista elokuvista.
2. I like old movies.

3. Jos meillä ei oo muuta napoa, niin leikkaan itelleni sipulirenkaita ja syön sellasenaan..
3. If we don't have any munchies, I cut onion rings for myself and eat raw onion..

4. Hassua kirjottaa kirjottaa suomeksi, oon niin tottunut englantiin!
4. It's funny to write in Finnish, somehow English is more natural to me!

5. Cleolla on n. 10 paikkaa, joissa se viettää aikaa. Jos se ei oo jossakin niistä, niin alan panikoida ja luulen, että se on ryöminyt johonkin komeroon kuolemaan. Ihana minä.
5. Cleo has about 10 places where she usually is. If she isn't in any of them, I start to panic and think she's dying in some cupboard. The joys of having an old cat!

6. Meillei ole enää tv:tä, joten en hulluna seuraa mitään sarjoja enää. Poikkeuksena QI, jos ette oo kuulleet siitä, niin suosittelen!
6. We don't have a tv anymore, so I'm not really following any series at the moment. QI is an exception.

7. Tämän vuoden jälkeen oon valmistunu kahesta lukiosta, olisin siis voinu mennä yliopistoon jo tänä syksynä.
7. After this year, I will have graduated from two high schools. That means that actually I could've gone to uni this autumn.

8. Aina välillä unohan, ettei Suomessa käytetä suukkoja tekstin perässä ja mua saatetaan pitää tyhmänä, kun pistän vaikka viestin perään 'x' tai 'xoxo'.
8. People don't use kisses after texts etc in Finland and I often look like a fool writing 'x's and 'xoxo's.

Suppose, I'll have to forward this to a few bloggers myself.. You're welcome, if you feel like it, lovelies:

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