Tuesday 10 September 2019

project 365: weeks xxxi-xxxv

Here's what August was like:

 213: Finally got to some of my sewing projects.

 214: Made these little tomato hand pies!

 215: Stayed in bed quite a bit.

 216: Going to the lake while I was still at my mum's.

 218: A little trip abroad to Sweden.

 219: Churchin' it up.

 220: Trust me to catch a summer cold.

 221: Got an early birthday present from my sister!

 222: The nights started to actually get dark(er).

 224: I watched all of Old Bear Stories, ha! It started when I was showing pictures of harvest mice to mum which reminded me of Brambly Hedge, which I then watched. After that I found Old Bear Stories on Youtube. In my memories the show was sad, but now I think it was only because of the first episode where Old Bear is still locked up in the attic. But it wasn't sad this time around, only cute. Will take recommendations for other old children's programmes that can be found online because I am especially into that nostalgia at the minute!

 225: Got a new phone and also found this cute Moomin bag 2nd hand.

 226: There's apparently very little berries this year, but found some blueberries by the lake - at least to have a taste.

 227: Continued with my sewing projects..

 228: ..and finished them.

 229: Packed my bags.

230: Took photos at this old lil' house by the river, before finally catching the train..

 231: ..and finally arriving home.

 232: Eating the simplest things because I am lazy and didn't have a lot in the cupboards when I arrived back home.

 233: I didn't get into Daredevil when it first came out but I gave it another go because I was finally about to finish watching all the Marvel shows. And this time I really liked it. I really liked all of them.

 234: The weather towards the end of August was really nice!

 235: Finally got my second Botox shots for my migraines, so here's my head with holes in it.

 236: Always a messy desk.

 237: Last day of being 26.

 238: Spent my birthday at the beach.

 239: What I was reading.

 240: Burnt my apple crumble a bit but it was still good.

 241: At the beach at least once a week.

 242: Yet another pretty sunset.

243: I'd ordered this water bottle for myself as a birthday present - it's so cute!

1 comment

Corinne said...

I always love the mood of your photos! Hurrah for more moomin things!

Corinne x

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