Monday, 16 March 2015

project 365: 068-074

 068 I had a delightful little cold at the start of the week, and a box of tissues has been my only best friend.

 069 I was - and still am - drinking lots of hot blackcurrant juice as well!

 070 And there's been wee candles in my room most of the time. I really like the shadows they make, you know!

 071 We were reading James Bond for uni, which was great. Despite all its flaws I do love James Bond. And I love the romanticized version of the Secret Services. I might have been 13 when me and my friend were still making extreme obstacle courses of thread as laser beams and what not for each other and impersonating 007. We were cool kids. This was only the second Bond book Ive read though, so I really need to catch up!

 072 I'm sure I mentioned that, like every year, I've given up sweets and chocolate for lent. But I've been eating these and I could die because they're so good. And they are biscuits, so...

 073 Here's another uni book, that I haven't been enjoying as much as James Bond. It's an interesting book, but I just dislike Mosley so much that reading ~700 pages about him is a bit excessive. If you want a recap of who Sir Oswald Mosley is; he's a wee fascist as well as an all-round awful person. Seriously. He cheated his first wife with not only all of their friends but also both of her sisters and her step mother. Such a lil' rat.

074 Hope you all remembered your mothers on Sunday! (And if not, call them tonight and say your phone was out of battery all day yesterday.) I called my mum and sent her a little card. The one in the picture is one that I bought in advance for May when it's Mother's Day in Finland. The perks of having children with dual citizenship, you know!


Unknown said...

Hot blackcurrant juice sounds incredibly delicious and cozy! I'll have to try that. And I'm such a lover of candles and everything about them, there's definitely something about the shadows they create (love a nice lantern!) :)

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

Hope you have a lovely week reading your favourite books hun :) xx

Color Me Kiki said...

Mmmm those caramel biscuits look simply divine! And I love the James Bond books, I've got to try and read a few more of them!
xo Kiki

Holly said...

OH MY GOD I haven't had those wafer biscuits in sooooo long!! They are the best xx

Caroline Mason said...

Ha, such a good point. Thankfully mother's day isn't until May in America so I have a little bit of time to pull something together... lovely photos looks very inviting.

I'd love it if you could come check out my blog sometime:)

Lady parisienne said...

very cute pics!

Lux G. said...

Looks like a perfect day for me. Books and caramel wafer. :)

Unknown said...

Good post!!!

New post!!! Check it out, please!! :D Hope you like it!

Amy said...

What beautiful and creative photos! And I hope that you feel better now ♥
Amy xx

Perfect Imperfections

angkisland said...

wow cool picture awasome...

Laura Jones said...

Kie I. - it is, it's something i usually have when i have a cold, haha:-) and glad to know you think so too, lady! x

Gail J - haha, think it'll be more about uni books, but thank you anyway, doll! xx

Kiki - they're so good! let's start a james bond book club, love, haha! xx

Holly - you need to change that, haha! i'm starting to base my entire diet on these.. they're so good, honey! xx

Caroline Mason - haha, i think it's the same date in the us as it's in finland, but it's not that long to may now either.. :-) thank you, hon! i'll check out your blog soon:-) x

Lady parisienne - cheers, lovely! xx

Lux Ganzon - it wasn't a bad week:-) and books and biscuits is a very lovely combination, girl! x

Chic at 10 - thank you, pet! xx

Amy - thank you, dear! and i do, thanks! xx

angkisland - cheers, hen! x

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