Monday 4 November 2019

project 365: week xliv

 301: How cute are these pumpkin pastries my flat mate's mum brought before Halloween!

 302: I'm actually outside and in the city sometimes! Usually just to study or to get food or books, though.

 303: Always on the menu.

 304: A tired wee student. (Had a fun day at the art museum, though. Uni is so much more fun when most of my days are just excursions.)

 305: A pretty little moon.

 306: I wanted to read Hallowe'en Party but it's not next in my current rotation yet, so it was this one.

307: Finished the pages on my bujo, so my new "bujo" is just sheets of paper until the new year, haha.

How has the start of November been for you?

1 comment

Hena Tayeb said...

That tart looks yum.
I need to add more Agatha Christie to my reading list.

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