Monday, 11 June 2018

project 365: week twenty-three

 155: A lot of the uni books I'm wanting to read have been checked out of the library (actually went to the library to get books that weren't there because I forgot to check if they're available beforehand..), so I've actually been reading for fun last week. And will hopefully continue to do so this week.

 156: Checking the internet on the little screen and the big screen, eating chocolates and always wearing these leggings (or at least when it's not hot).

 157: Upgraded to working from a table instead of from my bed for a bit. But it had to be the kitchen table instead of my desk, because I have so much stuff on my desk. It's just littered with books, papers, make-up things, bottles, jugs and glasses for water and what not. Might have to clear it all out at some point.. Because what was the point in buying a desk if I never use it?

 158: Dinner.

 159: It was my nameday on the 3rd and then again on the 7th, so my mum sent me a card, haha.

 160: A boring day of tidying up and laundry.

161: Sunday was just for chilling out. I've had a strange week, and was surprised that I managed to take reasonable-looking pictures every day. For a while now my headaches have been the worst in the morning and last week I basically slept all morning, usually through noon as well, and only felt well enough to get out of bed after 1pm - sometimes 5pm. And when you get up in the afternoon you don't really have a lot of hours in the day to get things done. And obviously as a consequence going to sleep has been at quite a late hour every night as well. Which in turn certainly doesn't help with getting up and feeling nice and healthy in the morning. I often find myself in a loop like this, but am determined to make this week better.


Kati said...

I hope your headaches are much, much better this week!
I love, love this mug, it is just so precious!

Almost Stylish

Hena Tayeb said...

So sorry to hear about your headaches. :(

Laura Jones said...

Kati - aw, thank you, love! and isn't it, i actually have two of them because they're so cute, haha! xx

Hena Tayeb - aw, thanks, gal! xx

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