Monday, 29 February 2016

project 366: 053-059

It's started to get a lot sunnier and brighter here, which is always good. But the spring weather and the prettiness that is snow reflecting all the light also means that I'm much more prone to migraines this time of the year. (One of the reasons why I much prefer spring in the UK!) This all means I've been feeling a bit poorly and didn't do much last week. But from now on I'm going to find all my sunglasses so that I can make the most of the nicer weather and start looking forward to the coming spring! (It's March tomorrow after all, that's spring, right?) Anyway, here's last week's Project 366 photos:

053: Got myself a new (second) phone.

054: Ill day, vol. 1.

055: Actually managed to get some boring adult stuff done.

056: More snow!

057: More Agatha!

058: 'What do you want for dinner?' 'Biscuits. That have chocolate in them.' So this is what I had for dinner..

059: This was the only day I didn't spend the majority of in bed, but actually was out and about all Sunday. Churchin' it up and visiting friends. And the snow was looking so pretty and glittery, so here's three photos of it instead of one!

Hope you all had an enjoyable week and a fab February!


Kelsey&Kenecha said...

I love those boots!


Hena Tayeb said...

hopefully we have seen our last snow and spring is right around the corner..
sorry to hear about the migraines..

Miranda | Miranda's Notebook said...

Oh poor you! Hope you're feeling much better now. Migraines are awful! On another note, those leopard boots in the last photo are so cute! xxx

Unknown said...

great post!

Amy said...

I love all of your photos, especially the snow ones! We just got some more here, too ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Wynne Prasetyo said...

just found out abt this 366 project thing and what a cute way to document your days! and ooh such pretty snow <3 we never get that here.

Laila said...

Yayyyy happy February! Love that you ate chocolate biscuits for dinner as well. Also, SNOW!!! It's so beautiful xxx

E said...

Seriously though, is there anything prettier than freshly-fallen snow?

District of Chic

Chiara said...

I love your boots! Sorry to hear about your migraines, I know how painful they are! X

Corinne said...


I'm very jealous. I want snow too. It's been pants in Leeds this year. It snowed earlier, settled and then melted within an hour ha.

Corinne x

Joanna Joy said...

The snow pictures are my favorite. The snow looks like white glitter which is super neato!

Laura Mitbrodt said...

Crazy you still have so much snow

Gemma said...

Are they boots? They're amazing!

Kati said...

Is that Moomin stationary you have there? :-)


Laura Jones said...

Kelsey & Kenecha - thank you, dear! x

Hena Tayeb - i hope you have too, lady! although i know that we certainly have not over here, haha:-) and thanks, hopefully they won't get worse at least! x

Miranda - i am, thank you, and they really are the worst! and thank you, doll! i should wear them more often:-) xxx

B Ramida - cheers, hun! x

Amy - thank you, lovely! and at least you seem to be happy about it, unlike most people, haha! (so am i actually:-)) xx

Wynne Prasetyo - i've really liked doing it:-) it is pretty, but even so you'd get tired of it eventually if you had as much of it as in finland, gal, haha! xx

Laila - haha, i know, i'm such a baby! :-) so it is, love! xxx

E - not too many things, i'd say, chick! x

Chiara - thank you, pet! and thanks, hope you've not had to have them lately:-) xx

Corinne - haha! i've heard that it's meant to be snowing in england, so maybe you'll be in luck, honey! xx

Joanna Joy - thanks, hen! it really did look more like glitter than snow, ha! x

Laura Mitbrodt - haha, i'm used to it, chicken! if it hasn't all melted by the end of may i'll be mad, haha! xx

Gemma - they are indeed:-) thank you, dove! x

Kati - it certainly is, hon! x

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