Tuesday, 7 July 2015

project 365: 180-186

180  Cleaning day.

181 Saying goodbye to 11SMT. And of course moving out on one of the hottest days so far. 

182 Being a bum in other people's houses, day 1.

183 Being a bum in other people's houses, day 2.

184 Lil' Laura in a lil' sphere.

185 A make-up tip I learned from my dad; if your lip product is getting too soft to use and melting put it in the fridge. Or just keep it there forever. Also, fairly sad that this tutti frutti lip butter is at the end of its days.

186 I've not really minded the rain, especially after the warm weather and it does go back to that very quickly anyway. Although, I did spend a wee while just waiting for the rain to stop so that I could go and get some food.

Hope you've all had a good start to this week!


Sylwia VamppiV Błach said...

I like your photos. First and fifth are my favourite!

Manhattan Image and Style said...

I love these pictures!!!! You are so talented sweetie!

Check out my last post: How to Relieve Stress! ;)

Diana Bryant
www.ManhattanImageandStyle.com – Blog
www.DianaBryant.com - Web

Amy said...

I love all of your photos! Especially the one of the rain, we really need some here ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Anonymous said...

I love your photos♡


Lucy said...

Great photos! The first one is just amazing :) have a nice day x

Welcome to my blog
www.blotterlife.com :))

Why Girls Are Weird said...

That first one is my fav!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

Dainté said...

love your photos ! hah your dad is giving great tips !

Unknown said...

Fab photos :)
The ones of the rain are amazing!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

Good luck with the moving and I will see you tomorrow!

Lux G. said...

Gorgeous shots! Really. So pro.

Joanna Joy said...

These are great photos and lovely post! Thank you for visiting my blog dear:)


Laila said...

That picture in a sphere is incredible! x

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Lovely photos. It looks as though the sun and rain are playing hide and seek.

Our rainy season has started although there is no torrential down pour at the moment soon I expect the roads to the roads to be flooded and drains to be clogged.

Best wishes

Laura Jones said...

Sylwia VamppiV Błach - thank you, hun! x

Diana Bryant - thank you so much, love! x

Amy - thank you, chick! xx

akiko - thank you, lady! x

Lucy - thank you, thank you, pet! you too! x

Krysten Quiles - aw, thanks, honey! xx

Dainté - thank you, sweets! and that is a good tip, haha:-) x

Sammy Scott - thank you, hon! xx

Gail J - thank you, dear, and was so good seeing you! xx

Lux G. - thank you so much, lovely! that's so sweet of you! x

Joanna Joy - cheers, hen! x

Laila - glad you like it, sweetie! xx

Joseph Pulikotil - thank you, friend! and that's pretty much how it's been! hope the rainy season won't be too bad for you! x

Gil Zetbase - thank you, hun! you too! x

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