Monday, 8 June 2015

project 365: 152-158

152 A somewhat gloomy start to June.

153 Finally watched this (in three days) and still cannot cope with all the feelings. I know that at least a few of you love Buffy, and therefore have probably seen Angel as well, so what did you think about the end and of it all? I know I'm only over a decade late with this, but this is really important, haha. Might read the comic books next..

154 Bringing hats back into my life on days when my hair's all over the place and I have no desire to sort it out.

155 I thought I looked like Pebbles Flintstone until I actually checked what she looks like.

156 Don't even mind that everything I own is in a wee mess anymore. It just reflects the fact that my actual life is a mess as well.

157 I actually left the house for once (haha), and went to my favourite place on campus after getting some things done at uni.

158 Job hunting and eating a lil' muffin.

Did you all have a good week, and do you have any fun plans for this week? Mine is more than likely going to be as exciting as a Sunday of job hunting and muffins, because apparently that is all I have going on in life right now!


Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Love this post!! Have a great day!!!


Corinne said...

Haha, I was a bit scared to scroll down then because I thought you might have been naked.

My housemate recently rewatched all the buffy and angel series. I never got into them as a kid!

Corinne x

Laura Mitbrodt said...

I love those polka dot shorts

Kate Jordan said...

Haha, I can see why you thought of Pebbles though and that is such a cute outfit!

Isabella said...

this is a really lovely posT! cute polka dot ensemble!!
bella x x

Ourdestination said...

great post ;)

Sara said...

OMG Angel! <3 I love that outfit too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and lovely photos!
I love your dot pattern pants!
It is so sweet♡


Laila said...

HAhaha so funny about your flinstones comment because I intiailly thought "isn't that what Pebbles wore?" before reading your comment underneath. Either way tht is a gorgeous set. Where are the shorts from? Also, I've never seen an episode of Buffy but you should talk to Jessthetics because she is a big fan! X

Beauty Follower said...

Lovely dotted set!

Manhattan Image and Style said...

What a great post sweetie, I was going through your older posts and I love your blog!

Check out my blog, I have something amazing for you! ;)

Diana Bryant – Blog - Web

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

OMG Angel! You remind me of Buffy Vampire Slayer!

Laura Jones said...

Kelsey & Kenecha - glad you do, hun! you too! x

Corinne - hahaha, not quite! these last two years are probably the years i've been most obsessed with buffy/angel, actually cannot stop, ha. you should definitely give them a go, dear! xx

Laura Mitbrodt - thank you, love! they're one of my favourites:-) xx

Kate Jordan - it does look a bit pebbles inspired after all, doesn't it! and thank you, hen! x

Isabella - thank you, thank you, chicken! xx

Ourdestination - thank you, pet! x

Sara-h Jane - ahh, i should've known that you love angel! and thank you, sweetie! xx

akiko - thank you, lady! you're too kind:-) x

Laila - haha! i'm glad i'm not the only one that thought of pebbles, and if i added a bone in my hair it'd be a tad more accurate! anyway, thank you, honey! the shorts are from h&m, but they're from years ago. i'll actually be so sad once they fall apart and i can't get another pair.. and i'll go weirdo stalking, i've not read her blog in so long! xx

Euge Etcheverry - thank you, lovely! x

Beauty Follower - cheers, gal! x

Diana Bryant - thank you very much, chick! will stop by your blog soon:-) x

Gail J - yes, sweets! it's an honour to remind you of buffy, haha (really)! if you actually mean that in a way that i remind you of her, that is the best compliment ever. xx

Amy said...

Oh, I love all of your photos! Especially the first one, rainy days are my favourite ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Laura Jones said...

Amy - thank you, dear! rainy days are pretty good, if you can spend them inside, haha:-) xx

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