Friday, 26 June 2015

pastels and graves

Top - H&M/Diy
Skirt - Self-made
Blazer - 2nd hand 
Shoes - Primark
Socks - Topshop
Bag - Dad's old

Wearing a loose crop top and a short skirt on a windy day wasn't the wisest move I've made. I did actually need to button up my blazer to keep myself covered. I should've learned by now, but it can be so hard to dress up on days that are warm but windy. And I always seem to overestimate the warmth and underestimate the wind. Very unfortunate. Other than that, I actually really like different pastel colours paired together, especially with the contrast of the dark graveyard.


Joseph Pulikotil said...


Lovely photos, beautiful background and you look very classy.

Best wishes

Amy said...

What gorgeous photos! I love your skirt, it's so cute ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Jade Wright said...

Love your skirt - and the way you make a graveyard look like something beautiful instead of morbid xxx

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

hahaha I feel you about wearing skirt in the windy day! I absolutely hated myself when I was wearing a dress and it was so windy that I had to be careful with my dress literally all the time!

Imogen said...

I love the skirt and what pretty flowers.

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

You look so gorgeous! I love the crop top :)


Yasya said...

Amazing pictures!

Sybil said...

cute skirt and bag!! :D

Animated Confessions

Laila said...

Gorgeous skirt!! How did you make it that's incredible? I agree, I like the contrast between the outfit and the setting - nice. I love your top as well! Perfect summer outfit. xx

Dainté said...

I love your super adorable outfit ! you look like a dool in those pastel colors :)

Anonymous said...

I love your photos!


Laura Jones said...

Joseph Pulikotil - thank you, friend! sweet of you to say so:-) x

Amy - thank you very much, dear! xx

Jade Wright - thank you, honey! and i think they can be both morbid and beautiful at the same time:-) but then again i really do like my graveyards, haha! xxx

Laura Mitbrodt - thank you, sweets! xx

Gail J - haha, it can be the worst, chick! i've had far too many marilyn monroe moments in my life due to the wind, haha! xx

Imogen - thank you, lovely! x

Kelsey & Kenecha - thank you, thank you, hun! x

Arrow - thank you, pet! x

Sybil - thanks, love! x

Laila - thank you so much, darling! it's a really basic pattern that i found on burdastyle years ago, i've used it a few times:-) you're too kind! xx

Dainté - aw, thank you, gal! x

akiko - thank you, lady! x

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