Monday, 25 May 2015

project 365: 138-144

138 Rewriting and revising all the notes.

139 First exam done!

140 Far too many books and documents that I had to learn.

141 Some days my hair's actually quite nice, some days I have no idea what is going on with it. I've actually been thinking I might need to start straightening my hair, but I'm pretty sure I've either given my straighteners to my mum or sold them. Genuinely think it's been  at least six years since I last straightened my hair, haha!

142 Very happy to have done my last exam and finished uni!

143 Now I can finally start reading non-uni books, which is quite exciting:-)

144 I've had this giraffe ring for years, but I rarely wear it as it's a tiny bit too big. Might try giving it more use though because it is cute!


Unknown said...

you look lovely! nice post!

Corinne said...

I want the giraffe ring! I straighten my hair every day, you're lucky you dont have to!

Corinne x

Corinne said...

I want the giraffe ring! I straighten my hair every day, you're lucky you dont have to!

Corinne x

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

My hair looks like a lion every day lol Btw I love your ring!

Laura Mitbrodt said...

That ring is so cute! I love it

Amy said...

I love all of your photos! Your giraffe ring is adorable ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Unknown said...

Congrats on finishing all your exams! :) Hope you did an amazing job on them! You have such a pretty smile :) Cutest ring!

PS, thank you very much for your concern I only had it that one time thank goodness, I think it was because I was also sick with a cold a the time.

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Congrats I know how stressful they are! I love your nail color, so pretty :)


The Mad Twins said...

I adore posts like these. Perhaps I should concider doing some like these as well. :D Congrats as well for finishing uni :D and that book sounds like a good back. I put it on my 'to read' list *W* never enough books to read :P

Jade Wright said...

Hi love, I think it's awesome that you've not straightened your hair for so long! I wish I could do that, especially as mine's bleached and in horrendous shape!!! But it's at this really awkward length and straightening it just makes me feel prettier. Silly isn't it???

Congrats to have finished with the exams!! Your book looks so beautiful - going onto Goodreads after this to check out some reviews on it.
I'm busy reading This is All by Aidan Chambers. WEIRD but awesome read! Think you may like it actually.

PS LOVE the Giraffe ring - so cute!!! Very African :)

Ourdestination said...

great nails :)

MILEX said...

Unknown said...

Love that ring! I am so happy you are done with all your exams! I get to stay in my school over summer (boy am I lucky!)...

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely lovely photos!
I like all of them♡♡
Especially,I am worried about the ring of the giraffe motif!


Miranda | Miranda's Notebook said...

Congratulations on finishing your last exam! That's fabulous news! Now you can properly enjoy the gorgeous sunshine :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing the exam! Love the photos. xx


Why Girls Are Weird said...

Love your nail polish color!

Laura Jones said...

Ramida Dusdeevutikul - thank you, love! x

Corinne - it is cute, eh! and i know, sweetie, i hated it when i did it daily for a while! xx

Gail J - mine's a lion's mane when it gets long as well, haha:-) and thank you, dear! xx

Laura Mitbrodt - aw, thank you, honey! i do think so myself:-) xx

Amy - thank you, thank you, chick! xx

Tash Collier - thank you, i do hope so myself too, haha! you're too sweet, hon! and i hope that that was the case! x

Kelsey & Kenecha - thank you, thank you, lovely! x

The Mad Twins - ah, me too and i've really liked taking a photo a day so far:-) i'd definitely like seeing you do something similar as well! thank you, darling! i love anna gavalda, and although i'm not read this far enough to recommend it yet, i'd recommend pretty much any other book of hers! xx

Jade Wright - it's not really that silly, we all have little things like that that we do and that make us feel prettier:-) i just don't like straightening mine and will probably just start wearing hats because my hair's at an awkward length as well, haha! thank you, sweets! and like i said above, i'd recommend anything by anna gavalda! i've gone and added you on goodreads, and will check out that book:-) haha, and i suppose it is! xx

Ourdestination - thank you, hen! x

Milex - <3

Natasha Thompson - thank you, gal! and aw no, that doesn't sound too exciting! x

akiko - thank you so much, chicken! the ring is a pretty cute one:-) x

Miranda - thank you very much, hun! and i can indeed:-) xx

Allure Obsessed - thank you, pretty! xx

Krysten Quiles - thank you, lady! i do love a good mint colour:-) xx said...

Oh my god I'm obsessed with giraffes and your ring is so cute! Where can I get it? Nice post! x Mieke

Laura Jones said...

Mieke Beelen - thank you, lovely! it's just from new look, but it's a few years old so i don't know if you'd be able to find one anymore. sorry i'm not much help! x

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