Monday, 13 April 2015

project 365: 096-102

096 My house is like a prison right now as I'm trying not to allow myself to leave it, haha. But as it was still Easter Monday, I didn't get much work done and instead continued watching TV and eating Easter eggs.. It felt good at the time, now I'm despairing with my dissertation.

097 The last of my Easter treats. The Moomin filled liquorice is my favourite thing (not filled with Moomins, but raspberry and blueberry). And the new popcorn chocolate was so good. Can I have some more, please?

098 Dissertation things. Cannot wait for this not to be a part of my life anymore.

099 How cute is my lil' Moomin pillowcase? :-)

100 I really wanted roast potatoes on Friday, so I made a mini-roast!

101 Brought this wee thing back on my wall. It's still very appropriate.

102 This is the only photo I have from Sunday, and I have dust in my hair. Who has dust in their hair? Apparently I do, and this isn't even the first time.. Is this a sign that I should move and go outside a little more often?


Kelsey&Kenecha said...

I barely go out too! Like I work and then I just want to relax. Easter is the best isn't it? I couldn't stop eating chocolate during my break haha :)


Unknown said...

such a beautiful photograph!

Laura Mitbrodt said...

I really like these photos, there are so intimate

Lucy- Does It Better said...

Great article:) great job!
maybe you want to follow each other? if yes, please let me know:)

Sara said...

Your eggs looked really pretty! I want some chocolate popcorn now.

Marisa Noelle said...

Oh lovely little Easter egg! I missed out on painting eggs this year, sadly.

I can always go for a roast and potatoes, haha. And that popcorn looks divine! Definitely beats the Orville Redenbacher we have here.

nancy @ adore to adorn said...

haha...the prison reference. =)

you captured some great close-ups


Emanuela said...

when I was a little kid I loved "The Moomins" :)

Amy said...

I love all of your photos! The Moomin things are so cute ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Anonymous said...

HI, Such a beautiful photos.
I love Moomin too.
They are so cute.


The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

I have never seen Moomin packing before! Only Uniqlo has one printed Moomin tops for sales :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Looks like life is moving along swimmingly.

Unknown said...

Aaw I love the Moomins, one of my favourite shows as a kid! :)
God I feel you about the dissertation. I've only written a bachelor thesis but found this nerve-wrecking enough. Can't even imagine how much a dissertation would make me freak out. The most important thing I've learned about writing a thesis is: Don't force it.
But I'm sure you already know that yourself.
I wish you good luck! Chin up! You can do it! :)

Katie Frank said...

moomins, moomins, moomins! I see moomins <3

Zuzana said...



Once you start working you want to study again :-) love the post
x Mieke

MaGic Lovv said...

Nice pictures :)

Lux G. said...

All things pretty. :)
Have a great week ahead!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello greetings and good wishes.

Lovely photos. Your potato roast looks delicious.

Best wishes

Hena Tayeb said...

oh all the yummy chocolates..some days i want the kids to all take a long nap so i too can just watch tv and eat chocolate

Laura Jones said...

Kelsey & Kenecha - haha, good to know that i'm not the only one, love! think i'll try and be more sociable now that i have less uni work, though.. and easter really is the best, not least because of all the chocolate:-) xx

Nadieyaa Gibb - thank you, hun! x

Laura Mitbrodt - glad you like them, dear! xx

Lucy- Does It Better - thank you, hon! will stop by your blog soon:-) x

Sara Gerard - thank you, doll! popcorn and chocolate was a surprisingly good combination! xx

Marisa Noelle - thank you, darling! you'll have to do it next year then:-) it's actually bits of popcorn in chocolate, but amazing nonetheless! and a roast never goes amiss with me either, haha! xx

nancy - haha, thank you, lovely! xx

Emmanuelle Pawłowska - me too, chick! and i'm still obsessed, haha.. x

Amy - aw, thank you, lady! and aren't they! xx

akiko - thank you, sweets! and moomins really are too cute not to love:-) x

Gail J - hahaha! i know of so much moomin stuff that pretty much anything you'd like to have, i know where to get it with moomin print.. you should definitely check out the ivana helsinki moomin collection, chicken! xx

Krysten Quiles - nothing to complain about, i suppose, honey! xx

Ina R. - the moomins are the best! and thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words, hen! xx

Katie Frank - haha! there's moomins in these posts almost every week, my lovely! xx

Suzy - thank you, pet! i do really like them myself too:-) x

Mieke Beleen - i'm sure that's true, but right now i'm so happy to be done with my dissertation:-) thank you, gal! x

::MaGic Lov:: - cheers, dove! x

Lux G. - thank you, thank you, girl! x

Joseph Pulikotil - thank you very much, pal! x

Hena Tayeb - haha, you'll have to make that happen, sweetie! you deserve it:-) x

Laila said...

Chocolate popcorn sounds incredible, also I love all your Moomin things! I'm such a huge Moomin fan xx

Laura Jones said...

Laila - mm, it makes me sad that i don't have it anymore, haha. and moomins are the best thing, love! xx

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