Monday, 9 February 2015

project 365: 033-039

 033 Lips of the day/week/month/life. And this perfect lil' red even matches with my new pocket mirror that I got from my Secret Santa, haha!

034 Honey on toast, hot chocolate and "Spy Fiction, Spy Films, and Real Intelligence" in the morning. A lot of the things I read for uni are actually so interesting and I also love how we're doing for example Fleming and le Carré this semester. I just wish I had less of a mentality of thinking along the lines "this is for school, I don't like it" most of the time..

 035 A sneaky peak at something I ordered a wee while ago. Quite excited about this:--)

036 This is the worst photograph ever, possibly. I mostly forgot about this wee project of mine. I've also forgotten about this little reminder of how much work I should be doing, as well as a half-planned trip to London that I've now postponed. As much as I do enjoy making lists and all that, I'm just not very good at planning and prefer to do things ex tempore. (Need I mention deciding to move to Leeds and going to uni here less than two weeks before it started [that seems so long ago!] or my Germany-Austria trip a year ago that had a similar timeline..)

 037 Migraine, day 2.

 038 Cream crackers and salami is my favourite thing. Used to eat piles and piles of these at my grandparent's. And the sky was especially lovely on Saturday!

039 Writing letters and eating toast with honey+bananas. I do eat other things than toast, I promise.


Emanuela said...

I heard some great reviews about this Kate Moss lipstick, btw amazing pictures!

Yasya said...

Honey+bananas toast souds delitious!
Love the lipstick!
Have a great day!

Holly said...

mmm honey on toast sounds amazing! i really need to try that

from helen at

ps. you can win £70 worth of missguided vouchers on my blog, click here!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

That pocket mirror is so pretty!

Lucy in the Sky said...

Great pictures, I really like them!

Amy said...

Your photos are all gorgeous! I love the one of the sky ♥
Amy xx

Perfect Imperfections

Dainté said...

such a lovely collection of photos :) I love the way they say so much about you! have a lovely week!

Unknown said...

Aww I hope your migraine went away!! Honey on toast is divine!!! So is marmalade.

I love that you write letters - hardly anyone does anymore. It's so special!!

Lovely post - really love the photograph diary feel.

Silvia Negretti said...

Beautiful photos, everything is very interesting and pretty!

Jade Wright said...

I love insights into other peoples lives and yours seems so lovely.. even with the headaches ;)

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Love the outdoor shot! Gorgeous :)
My sister had a migraine for almost a week long just recently and now yesterday it finally went away they seem awful and would never want to get one. Hope you are feeling better x
Also toast is the best thing ever haha :P

Lady parisienne said...

I love these sweet pics! Have a great day! said...

Nice picyures! Thank you for stopping by my blog and the lovely comment!

x Mieke

Laura Jones said...

Emmanuelle Pawłowska - it is definitely one of my favourites! and thank you, lovely! x

Arrow - i do love a bit of honey and/or banana on my toast, haha:-) and thank you, chick! x

Helen G - it's good, hun! you should, hehe:-) x

Krysten Quiles - it really is quite cute, lady:-) i'd forgotten how handy these wee things can be! xx

Lucy in the Sky - thank you, hen! x

Amy - aw, thank you, amy hun! xx

Dainté - thank you, love! haha, i suppose they give a little insight into how uninteresting my life can be:') x

Mystery Blogger - it did, thankfully! i do love a good toast with either, or jam:-) and i know, i really love both writing and receiving letters, wish more people did it! thank you, sweetie! never really thought of these posts like that, but that's what they essentially are, really. x

Silvia Negretti - thank you, pet! xxx

Jade Wright - thank you, dear! would be much lovelier without any headaches or migraines, haha! xx

Kelsey & Kenecha - thank you, gal! migraines that last for multiple days really are the worst. you're lucky that it's your sister and not you, ha. and thanks, i'm better now:-) and toast really is great, haha! x

Diana Cloudlet - thank you so much, hon! so lovely to hear:-) will visit your blog soon! x

Lady parisienne - thank you, doll! x

Mieke Beelen - thanks, dove! and no problem:-) x

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