Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Here's a few snaps from Aavasaksa, where I climbed with my mum and even did some blueberry picking, though it was only early season and there weren't that many. (Fun fact; Aavasaksa translated is "open Germany" which is a bit strange! And I don't know if that was that much fun, haha.) I had actually been to Aavasaksa before, but it was lovely to be back and the view down is always spectacular, no matter which way you look. It was around +30°C and I genuinely felt like melting. And obviously I was very appropriately dressed for roaming in the forest in my maxi dress, haha! It was all good fun, though:-)


ALLIE NYC said...

Oh what a beautiful place remind me a bit of the PNW here in The States but not as many mountains. So glad you had a good time.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

Amanda said...

What a beautiful place! And I love your maxi! Where's it from? x

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Wow what a stunning place!

Georgia said...

Very beautiful place!

Isabella said...

Oi, ihana Suomi! :) I've only been to Lapland during kevättalvi, so it was snow-covered and sparkling and not at all like these summery photos. It's interesting how the landscape looks familiar but also so different from what I'm used to in Keski-Suomi and Helsinki. The North is so exotic :)

You captured beautiful details, like the tiny bell-shaped flowers. I love that you wore a maxi dress to go blueberry picking, that's totally something I would do :)


Rin Handika said...

what a beautiful place! And love your outfit!

Jade Wright said...

Blueberry picking must have been lovely, especially with your mama bear.
Ahh hearing about it beng so lovely and warm over there had me envious!! I cannot WAIT for summer. It's on it's way here in South Africa and I am soooo keen to get my tan on hahaha
Looks like a stunning place to visit.

Winnie said...

Wow the scenery is so beautiful! The air must have been really lovely and fresh. Looks like a lovely place to relax.

gabrielle said...

what gorgeous scenery! i bet those blueberries were delicious. your maxi dress is really pretty, even if it wasn't the most practical thing to wear!


The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

wow this looks amazing! I hope you had such a wonderful time there! Sorry, I will reply to your message very soon! xx

Amy said...

What lovely photos! By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster award. You can find the post here :) -->

Eline said...

Wooow, it's looking so amazing and spectacular!

Hena Tayeb said...

looks like such a beautiful place

Laura Jones said...

Alicia Mackin - it is beautiful, and it's funny how there's similar looking places on the other side of the world:-) thanks, lovely! x

Amanda - thank you, dear! it's just from h&m:-) xx

Krysten Quiles - isn't it though, hun! xx

Georgia - so it is, pet:-) x

Isabella - it's so different in every season! i've always travelled/been more around the north, but it's true about what you said about it being both very different and familiar to the south&keski-suomi. thank you very much, doll! haha, i did actually wear more appropriate clothes once we went blueberry picking later in the summer, but this was so like me as well:-) and it's still so strange to me when you speak finnish occasionally haha! xx

Rin Handika - ah, thank you, chick! x

Jade Wright - it is lovely, as long as you don't have to spend hours and hours doing it, haha! you shouldn't be envious at all, hen:-) i'm sure your summer will be much warmer and lovely as well! x

Winnie - haha, it was too hot for the air to be fresh on that day, but usually i'd say it is:-) and it is definitely a place to go for relaxing (or hiking if that's what you're into), gal! x

gabrielle - blueberries are always delicious, haha! and thank you, pretty! xx

Gail J - ah, thank you, m'dear, it was lovely:-) and don't worry about it! xx

Amy - thank you, hon:-) i've actually done the liebster award, but that's really nice of you and i'll check it out! x

Marlen - haha, don't be jealous, it's not warm here anymore either! it didn't really matter, as we weren't there only for the blueberries and we did go blueberry picking many times afterwards:-) and haha, that sounds like a plan, darling! xx

Ourdestination - thanks for commenting, luv:-) x

Eline - isn't it, honey! x

Hena Tayeb - it is a beautiful place, lady:-) x

Meg Kernaghan said...

Beautiful scenery!
I love blueberry picking, we do it in Comboyne in Australia and it's so much fun :)

Laura Jones said...

Meg Kernaghan - it really was beautiful, the photos don't even do that much justice to the place:-) and blueberry picking really can be fun, honey! i didn't even know blueberries grew over there haha! x

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