Sunday, 16 June 2013

baby, i hate days like this

Dress&Over-knee socks - New look
Bird rings - H&M
Heart ring - Gift/SunKoru

This is how rainy days should be spent. Reading a good book (I'm reading Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca!), maybe having something to munch on. And, obviously, after finishing the book you watch a good movie and/or catch up on your favourite TV shows. Actually, I do this on other days than rainy days as well, but when it rains it's a must. I do like days like this.


daniela kate morosini said...

ooh you literary thing you! xx

Unknown said...

Love your nails, dear!!!

Have a lovely evening,


Ourdestination said...

rings <3

mochaccinoland said...

i like the heart ring! ^^


Little Tree Vintage said...

love the rings


You are so right. I'm glad my exams are over now, can't wait to settle down with a good book! You look lovely! xx

Mollie said...

Amen to that. When it's sunny out everyone always says "what a beautiful day!" but I think the dreary ones are the prettiest.

Love the over the knee socks!

Ester Durães said...

love your earrings, they're so cute!

Drawing Dreaming

Laura Jones said...

danniekate - haha, doll! xx

nicoleta buru - thank you, love! x

Ourdestination - i like them too, dear! x

mochaccinoland - thank you, darling:-) it is cute! xx

Little Tree Vintage - thank you, pet! x

DANIELLE - thank you, sweets! and i know, i could happily have traded all my exams for nice long novels, hehe! xx

Mollie - i do like sunny days as well, but that's true anyway, ha! and thank you, lovely! x

Ester Durães - thanks, hun! x

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