Tuesday, 3 January 2012

these are a few of my favourite things, pt. 2

 1. Eggs and soldiers. Seriously, one of the best foods ever.

 2. Bows on dresses. Or playsuits, in this case:)

 3. Books on shelves. Haven't bought any books lately, though.

 4. Feeding birds.

 5. Cats' whiskers. I like Cleopatra's whiskers best, hehe. 'Cause I like Cleopatra the best.

 6. Sunshine.

 7. These earrings. I've had them for quite a while, don't think I've showed them yet!

 8. Collecting things. This was my dad's owl collection, or most of it. We've kind of continued collecting them and when on holiday we always try to find a nice owl.

9. Noticing your hair has grown. Don't think I lie if I say it's grown inches already! (And it's grown after this picture was taken, as well!)


Marzipan said...

:)Great pics. Love these things!

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Ohh, I love bows too! <3 And playsuits are my favourite thing ever!

Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

Laura Jones said...

Preziosa - thank you, dear! :) x

Jo - bows and playsuits are both too gorgeous, lovely:) x

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