Monday, 18 July 2016

project 366: 193-199

193:  Reading in the sun after work whenever I can.

194: I had a day off and spent it pottering around the garden, planting new plants and hoping it's not too late for them to grow! I know the radishes will have no problem growing in a few weeks, but I hope my rainbow carrots and striped beets will make it as well. Fingers crossed for a warm rest of the summer and autumn!

195: More gardening, this time after work. My lil' tomatoes are coming along so nicely!  I ate the first ones later in the week and they're the best. If you know me at all, you should know how much I love my  homegrown tomatoes. And the smell of tomato leaves is my favourite smell.

196: I got Thursday and Friday off of work as well as I've done quite a bit of  overtime over the past few months. So on Thursday I had my bag ready for a swimming trip with a friend. But it started raining and thundering, so obviously we ended up not going.

197: But on Friday I made a cycling and swimming trip on my own and it was the loveliest day. Didn't have my camera with me, so here's a photo of my bikinis and towel drying outside on the clothes line.

198: Yet another rainy (ish) day that I spent inside. I spend far too much of my time on sudokus.

199: Late nights (later than they should be when getting up at 6 o'clock the next morning) and hot chocolates.

Did you get up to anything interesting last week?


Corinne said...

Ahh, sounds like you've had a lovely week. I've just been working :(

Corinne x

Unknown said...

What perfect photos! Reading in the sun is blissful, I don't do it nearly enough. It's been hot here but muggy and grey and a little rainy so it's not exactly spending time outside weather... your tomatoes are looking beautiful. Homegrown tomatoes taste the BEST and I love the smell too! Jealous that you're managing to grow things, and swim and cycle outside! xx


E said...

These all sound like such calming activities. Gardening and Sudoku are my zen!

District of Chic

Laila said...

Oh wow your tomatoes look amazinggggg Laura! I've just ordered some seeds to start growing some - they're my August project!

By the way, I'm coming to Helsinki next week! I'm not sure if you'll be in Finland then or whereabouts you are, but if you're anywhere near and would like to hang out then please let me know :)) it would be so fun to meet! xxxx

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love that picture of the cozy :)

I wish you a wonderful Wednesday!

Joanna Joy said...

These tomatoes look delicious. I love staying up late and working on sewing or art projects, drinking coffee, and watching television shows. I used to do that a lot a few years back when I was making jewelry. Last week I met up with a good friend for lunch.

Laura Jones said...

Corinne - i tried to do as much fun things after work as i could, but it's definitely nicer to have full days off! hope you've had time to go on a holiday at some point (or are going to go on one), lovely! xx

Jessica Acton - i don't read in the sun nearly as often as i'd like to either! and i hope you've had some good weather, too:-) that sounds very scotland, though, haha! thank you, gal! i'm so happy with my tomatoes ha, and it was really nice to do a bit of summery things instead of work for few days! xx

E - hehe, gardening and sudoku really are such great activities, dove! x

Laila - thank you, honey! growing tomatoes (and other things) is my favourite. and i hope yours are coming along nicely! and i hope you had the loveliest time, even we didn't get to meet! hopefully next time, though! xxxx

Optimistic Existentialist - it's actually hot chocolate, but thank you anyway, hon! xx

Joanna Joy - thank you, dear! that sounds exactly like the kind of things i love doing! :-) and i used to do jewellery in my early teens (they weren't always that good, though, haha!). that sounds lovely:-) xx

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