Sunday, 17 April 2016

long coat, spring coat

 Coat - Mama's old
Dress - Vintage
Shoes - New look
Sunglasses - Citymarket

Last Sunday it felt like spring for the first time for me. It wasn't even the warmest day of the year so far, just a lovely, bright and all-round spring-like day. (I know some of you still think we have a lot of snow, but we don't, really. This is Finland, and it's not unusual to have snow in May in Lapland!) I'm even thinking of switching to lighter coats and jackets altogether. I've worn this brown one pre warm weather, but now it seems more weather appropriate. I do like how wide and loose the cut is and rarely use the tie to clench it together. And it goes with my longer vintage dresses so much more nicely than any of my other coats!

Hope you're all experiencing some nice spring weather as well, wherever you are! It does get you in a better mood and excited for even warmer and sunnier days.


Unknown said...

Great look!

Marta said...

Such a gorgeous look, i really love the trench coat!

Amy said...

This is such a cute outfit! I love how your dress matches the colour of the sky ♥
Amy xx

Little Moon Dragon

Joanna Joy said...

I really like your blue dress and your coat. I am looking forward to warmer weather too. Hope you have a great week!

Laura Mitbrodt said...

you look so cute and vintage, love your coat

Miranda | Miranda's Notebook said...

That coat is lovely! I really like the collar and cuffs. Your hair looks so pretty too! xxx

Unknown said...

Aw what a gorgeous look! You look so 40s and amazing, love that dress xx

alice said...

I love your coat so much, the length is perfect. You look lovely.

The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

Hena Tayeb said...

you look gorgeous... especially that first pic, the hair, the glasses everything works so well together..

Corinne said...

It's awful in Leeds! Just cold and raining all the time. You look like a right diva in that coat, I love it!

Corinne x

Laura Jones said...

B Ramida - thanks, chick! x

Marta - thank you, hun! x

Amy - thank you, love! didn't even realize that myself:-) xx

Joanna Joy - thank you, pet! you too! xx

Laura Mitbrodt - why, thank you, gal! xx

Miranda - thank you, honey! they are a nice little detail, i think:-) hehe, thanks! xxx

Cara E - thank you so much, lovely! the dress maybe has a bit of a 40s vibe, even though it's from the 70s if i remember right! :-) xx

Alice Young - thank you, thank you, hen! xx

Hena Tayeb - thank you, lady! x

Corinne - i think i spoke too soon and it's raining here as well now! haha, thank you, dear! might start acting like a proper diva then, too:--) xx

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