Monday, 15 February 2016

project 366: 039-045

039: I may have jokingly said "new hair, new me" on Twitter, but I've also actually started doing things I wouldn't usually do. For example, I own sports bras/tops now and I kind of have an exercise routine. I say 'routine' although I've been doing it for a week. But I'm hoping that saying it aloud will force me to keep at it!

040: I've been drinking from my holy Beatles mug again. I'd forgotten about it for a while (which is embarrassing since it's one of my favourite mugs..) but now it's back in use. The perfect size for a hot chocolate.

041: Supper.

042: I've organised my make-up. Funny/sad story: this's actually a cutlery tray that my dad's made. I remember being quite young, definitely still not at school, when he was making this in his  downstairs workroom. I'm not sure why but I was convinced my dad was making me a small dollhouse and the different-sized compartments were rooms. I was so excited until I saw it placed horizontally instead of vertically, being screwed to a kitchen drawer and filled with forks and knives. So I never got a dollhouse, but now I have a neat tray for my make-up! I might even paint it in the summer.

043: I don't know what I'm doing next month or this year and how long I'll be staying with my mum. If I'm at my mum's this spring/summer though, it'll be fun to do proper gardening after a wee while. (My idea of fun might be that of a retired village weirdo, but gardening really is fun. Really.) So I've started planting my first seeds. And even made little signs for my plants-to-be.

044: I got some Valentine's gifts:-)

045: These last two pictures aren't really that representative of my actual weekend, but never mind. I was actually out and about most of Saturday and went ice skating. I've not ice skated in years and intend to do a lot more of that before it's spring. And on Sunday I didn't sit in bed in a jumper and take black&white photos of myself like it may look like, instead I was out and about again, attending a retirement party.

How was your week?



Hena Tayeb said...

that is one hot sports bra!
love the mug!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new exercise routine (you can keep it!) - I really need to get onto doing that as well! Awww the dollhouse story, haha - but yay for organised makeup, right!?! :)


Sybil said...

loving these snapshots! thanks for sharing these moments!

Have a great day!
Animated Confessions

Kati said...

My God, that Moomins set - I want!


Selective Potential said...

This time of year is perfect for making new routines + getting organized! Love your sports bra too - I've been wanting one like that!

Laura Jones said...

Hena Tayeb - hehe, thank you, dear! xx

Raashi - thanks, doll! you just need to decide that you'll do it:-) and i'm very happy with organised make-up, and that's probably something i need more than i would've needed a dollhouse, haha! xx

Sybil - thank you, hen! xx

Kati - it is pretty great, isn't it, love! xx

Selective Potential - it really is! and thank you, honey! i do really like it myself:-) xx

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