Wednesday, 11 December 2013

going back in time, pt. 3

 Leather jacket - Auntie's old
Body - 2nd hand
Skirt - Self-made
Clutch - New look

I really like my hair in the original picture, there's so much of it! I'm not wishing I still had it though, I'm very much enjoying having short hair. The only thing I've changed in the outfit is the bag, but that's not too much and at the time I did own the one in the newer pictures too. The older bag was 2nd hand and the clip that was supposed to keep it shut never worked. I still used that bag almost religiously and felt quite sad when I finally decided to throw it away. Then there's the skirt; one of the first things I've sewn for myself and I still love it. I have the fabric in pink too, and plan to sew a dress out of it at some point! As winter is coming (Game of Thrones, anyone?), you'll also see that I wear my leather jacket all the time. It's been in the use of my auntie, my mum, myself and I plan to hand it down to my future children too:-)

Also, the biggest thank you for all the beautiful comments left on my last post. They really made me feel better, and you're all so sweet❤!


Rebecca said...

I adore this skirt and how cool is it that it was the first thing you made! It looks so pretty and I love the vintage vibe!


Rick Watson said...

Both styles look good on you. My wife once made most of her clothes.
We came across a Hippy Dress with crochet butterflies on it that she made in the early 70s :)

Jenna Opsahl said...

Oooo yes I love this outfit with your shorter hair, you look kind of like a greaser girl =]


Why Girls Are Weird said...

That skirt is so cute!

his_girl_friday said...

I love your hair short and long!

Corinne said...

That skirt is so cute, I do love your new hair but I am a sucker for long locks!

Corinne x

Laura Jones said...

Rebecca - ah, thank you so much, honey! x

Rick Watson - thank you, hun! i wish i made most of my clothes, and that dress sounds amazing! x

Jenna Opsahl - so it is! and thank you, sweetie! i'm kind of inspired to start actually dressing up like a greaser, ha:-) xx

Krysten - thank you, lovely! xx

his_girl_friday - thank you, pet! x

Corinne - thank you, dear! i am too, but most of the time i want my hair to be the opposite of what it is at the moment and am actually surprised that i'm not already wishing to get my long hair back, ha:-) xx

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