Monday, 16 July 2012

polka dots peeking

Top - 2nd hand/Diy
Bandeau - Gina Tricot
Shorts - H&M
 Headband - Gift

Can't understand why I had tights on, it's so warm! After taking these, I went for a swim and then had sense enough to lose the tights. I've had this top since the beginning of this summer, but this was the first time I wore it. Still have to decide if I like it or not.

I'm quite proud of all these flowers, as this is the first time I've grown them from seeds. I'm really looking forward to harvest time, as well. All my home-grown tomatoes and courgettes should taste delicious! I really wanted to be a gardener when I was wee, maybe I should consider that career again. Nothing makes one happier than digging your hands in some dirt, watching your plants grow and, finally, eating something you've grown yourself.


Bonnie said...

These are some gorgeous flowers. Such beautiful shots.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Clara Turbay said...

When I see blogs like yours I realize it's worth the time you spend sharing your ideas with others.

Ester Durães said...

oh my, I lvoe your polka dot shorts! one of my favourite prints ever :)

Drawing Dreaming

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

Eloise said...

Ah you should be proud they're super pretty, and I love your photos of them too!

xxgetssh 85

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Those flowers are so lovely!

Unknown said...

Those shorts are lovely! Great photos :D

Aida said...

Gorgeous pics!!

Laura Jones said...

Bonnie - thank you, love! x

Clara Turbay - oh, thank you, dear! you're so sweet! x

Ester Durães - thank you, hun! it is a lovely print:) x

Miss K - thanks, sweetie! x

Eloise - thank you so much, doll! xx

Krysten - thank you, darling! x

Arabella - thank you, honey! x

Aida - thanks, lovely! x

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