Wednesday, 18 June 2014

give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright

Dress - Vero Moda
Cardi/blouse/blazer - River Island
Socks - Top Shop
Shoes&Bracelet - Primark

I've been to my favourite place to explore again! Last time I thought I left one corner of St. George's Fields unexplored, but today I actually realized there's yet another little nook of graves that I've not been to. Even though they have removed a lot of the gravestones, there is still so much to look at. And it's a lovely place to spend a sunny afternoon even if one isn't into cemeteries and headstones and death, haha. I hadn't expected so many people to be enjoying my wee cemetery, and it actually seemed larger than in the spring. I'm thinking of making my next visit a little later in the day, so it'd be darker. But I don't know if that'll just be super creepy and if all the weirdos will be out there once it's closer to midnight..

Anyway, I may have gotten myself some new shoes for the summer. I contemplated getting these in black, but chose the nude ones that look less school girly. Not that I actually find anything wrong with looking like a school girl. But I buy black shoes far too often, so it's nice to have something else as well. And I don't know if it's clear enough, but my socks have a violet print, which is really sweet! I also got the bracelet and look forward to people asking about my boyfriend whose name begins with a C. In reality, I wanted the C to remember my wee Cleopatra. When she died, I thought of having her ashes made into a diamond/gem (yes, that might sound strange to some of you..), getting a tattoo in her honour or getting a remembrance necklace. I never really did any of that, and even though I still might get a more expensive little necklace I think it'll be nice to wear this. It's really simple but also really meaningful. I never really wear delicate and dainty lil' bracelets like this, as I'm too afraid of having them get caught on something and breaking them. This one was only £1, I think, so I won't be absolutely devastated when I lose it.

Well, this is a bit depressing. And I'm sorry that I'll probably continue on the subject of death despite the fact that this's all perceived as morbid by some.. I have loads of cemetery photos (again),  but I'll try to figure out which ones I like the best and limit it to only one more post. Yay, cemeteries!


Marisa Ferreira said...

You look really stylish dear (:

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Gah, love that dress!

Sam said...

I think this is a really interesting location, reminds me of Buffy. Your dress is so elegant and love the cute socks. Hope your week is going well :)

Elliementary, My Dear said...

Cute hair :) I have too many black shoes too so I get really excited when I add a nude or tan color to the mix. Love how you paired them with these socks. And I'm so jealous of your lush green surroundings haha.

Sakuranko said...

Oh very beautiful dress!
Oh very cute pics!
I love it your bracelet very cute!

mochaccinoland said...

u really dig cemeteries, don't u. LOL! a pretty outfit for a slightly morbid-ish entry ;) that blazer is exquisite!


The Mad Twins said...

That cemetery looks really nice! Yeah, when it's dark it would be very creepy, bet nice as well :) I like your nude shoes! The socks are really sweet! ^^

Amanda said...

You look brilliant! I wish you could be my personal stylist! x

Corinne said...

I love the bracelet and the photos. I look forward to seeing the necklace if you manage to get one.

Corinne x

Isabella said...

I love this eclectic outfit! The jacket is so unique and pretty, and the colorful socks are totally something I would do :) The C bracelet is also lovely, so sweet to honor your dear cat.

My best friends and I had fun wandering cemeteries when we were thirteen, mostly to scare ourselves! The ones near us weren't nearly as historic or beautiful like yours, though. 

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

you look pretty!

Lady parisienne said...

Very great photos, I love the atmosphere and this beatifull dark outfit!!

Marisa Noelle said...

Oh what a peaceful spot! It looks like a perfectly mysterious cemetery to explore. And of course you look so pretty! I love the nude shoes/violet socks combo...and your little C bracelet is so sweet and quite a lovely little piece to remember your Cleopatra :-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely post!xxKind of in love with your blog:)
I would love you to visit my blog,and follow if you want!:)
Keep in touch xoxo
Love,Antonella <3

Laura Jones said...

Marisa Ferreira - thank you, love! x

Krysten Quiles - ah, thank you, dear! i really like it too:-) xx

Sam - haha, that's exactly what i was thinking while there, so buffy! :-) and thank you, pet! x

Elliementary, My Dear - thanks, honey! i wish i bought more colourful shoes but then i start to think that i won't use them as much and opt for black ones, ha.. and it really is green, but don't be jealous! :-) xx

Marianna - thank you, hen! x

Sakuranko - thank you very much, gal! xx

mochaccinoland - haha, i really do! :') thank you, darling! xx

The Mad Twins - i was going to go the other day, but chickened out in the end, haha. but i'll get myself together and go some other time:-) and thank you, pretty! xx

Amanda - thank you, lassie! you're too kind and overestimate my talents, haha:-) xx

Corinne - thank you, sweetie! might take a while, but when i come across something perfect i'll get it:-) xx

Isabella - thank you very much, chick! i'm sure i would've done that if there had been any cemeteries near me back then! i love a good cemetery, even if it's a modern one:-) xx

Gail J - thank you, m'dear! xx

Lady parisienne - thank you, lovely! x

Marisa Noelle - it really is a wonderful place:-) and thank you so much, marisa darling! xx

Antonella - thank you so much, hun! you're too sweet:-) i'll stop by your blog soon! xx

Laura Jones said...

Telma - thanks, hen! x

Claire said...

HI! I hear you on the graves thing, there's something about grave yards that pulls you in, my mum always tells me when she was little they would go for picnics in grave yards!

Laura Jones said...

Claire - hey, lovely:-) there really is, i could just spend hours wandering around graveyards! i don't know how i'd feel about picnicing at them, but i suppose depending on the graveyard, that'd be fun! x

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