Thursday, 28 March 2013

thursday thoughts pt. 3

Most of the things I draw/write down are copied or inspired by something I found on the internet, and so is this. I really liked this sign thing, and I like how it can mean something as complex as peace or just your food order:-) (You can also see it took me too little time to scribble this because of the anatomical inaccuracy and wobbly handwriting. I kind of like it though.)


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I like your take on this. Yes it is truly neat how something can mean something incredibly significant (peace) or mundane (hamburgers). :)

Corinne said...

Haha, I like it, the hamburger part really made me laugh!

Let's wish for spring in Leeds now please =)

Corinne x

Corinne said...

Oh, and to answer your question I leave near Meanwood, about a 10 min walk from Headingly centre.. it kind of doesn't have an 'area' in the address!

What about you?

Natalie said...

haha oh my gosh that made me laugh!

Indy said...

I think this is wonderful, I'd totally hang it in my house (or burger joint, if I had one).

Emmett Katherine said...

the last line made me smile :)

Steph said...

LOL!!! I love random doodles from everyday life! So fun!

Laura Jones said...

Optimistic Existentialist - tah, hun! and so it is:-) x

Corinne - oh, i am wishing, darling! we live so close to each other! i'm staying in headingley, so that's like a 10min walk from you, haha! x

Tallia - haha, good good, sweetie:-) x

Marlen - aw, thank you, doll! x

Indy - cheers, love! and it would be a great idea to hang it in a burger place! x

Emmett Katherine - haha, good, chick! x

Stephanie Billings - tah, lady! and so do i:-) x

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