2. I'm completely in love with Grafea! The leather rucksacks must get into my wardrobe, or satchels...
3. How cute is this Lazy Oaf cat ring? This isn't something I'd usually go for, but I also fancy this top!

4. I need this in my life. I don't have a bathtub, but once I do, I'm instantly buying this. Apparently when my dad was living alone millions of years ago, he had a similar one, and I just think it's the most amazing thing in the world.

5. Middle Earth Map Leggings! Possibly the coolest thing ever, and I need them in my life.There's also other Middle Earth related items, and I am very much in love with them.
Also, I added a Bloglovin' button to the sidebar, so you can follow this wee blog of mine by clicking that! Now that Google Reader is closing soonish, I'd still love it if you kept following:-) I'm always a bit wary when reading news like this as there's always people making things up on the internet.. However, this is happening and catch you later!
oh myyy I want that pink backpack!!!
Lady à la Mode
Ooooh I love the Blowfish shoes!
that leggings is awesome! i'm really glad to own a grafea backpack.
adore that backpack <3
Loving that backpack!
xo Jennifer
Loving that backpack!
xo Jennifer
I am adoring those shoes right now!! If only money grew on trees :-) Happiest spring Laura!!
xo Marisa
That cat ring is unique :)
That cat ring is so cute!
I followed you on bloglovin =) I think GFC is going to still work though!
Corinne x
Caitie Schlisserman - oh, i know, honey, i want it too! xx
Krysten - they're so pretty, doll! x
mochaccinoland - so they are, sweetie! and i know, i'm so jealous of it, haha! xx
samecookiesdifferent - it's worth adoring, dear! x
Jennifer - so am i, love! x
Marisa Noelle - oh, i know, if only! thank you, the same to you marisa darling! xx
Optimistic Existentialist - so it is, hon! x
Corinne - yeh, it is! and thank you, pet! i think so too, but i'm not too sure:-) x
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