Saturday, 22 December 2012

for he's a jolly good fellow

(Picture via weheartit.)

Happy birthday to this lil' blog here that I've tried to manage for two years now! Blogging is such a weird and wonderful thing, and although I can imagine life without it, I have no intentions of parting with it in the near future. I ken I can often be a sloppy writer, and I have much more ideas for this wee space on the internet than I actually have (time and) energy to execute. I hope you all enjoy hearing from me from time to time, and here's to many more blogging years to come!



Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Happy belated birthday to your blog and merry Christmas to you! x

mochaccinoland said...

happy birthday to your blog and have a merriest xmas!


Anna and Klaudia said...

Merry Christmas :)

Laura Jones said...

Little Rus - thank you, dear! and hope you had a merry christmas as well! x

mochaccinoland - thank you and the same to you, darling! xx

Nicoleta_B - merry christmas and a happy new year to you, too, love! xx

blackberryfashion - the same to you, honey! x

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