Monday, 1 October 2012

i'm alive!

Jumper - Mama's old
Skirt - Primark
Boots&Scarf - 2nd hand
Tote bag - WWF

Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm not dead. I've been here in Leeds for a little over a week and so far, so good. Luckily my flat mates are all really nice and my first lectures etc. at uni have been alright:-) I survived freshers' week just fine, haha, though I've been having quite a bad freshers' flu. I'll try and get back to blogging as soon as things stop being so hectic and new. If that ever happens!


Marisa Noelle said...

Sounds like you are settling in quite nicely :) This outfit looks so cozy and is adorable! Loving that little panda bag too :) xo Marisa

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yay, welcome back!

mochaccinoland said...

nice to hear from you again! enjoy your uni life <33


daniela kate morosini said...

hope you're feeling better soon petal! xx

Silvia Negretti said...

Enjoy your uni life dear!
You look very cute!^^

Laura Jones said...

Marisa Noelle - thank you, marisa dear! and i really am settling in just fine:) xx

Krysten - thank you, darling! x

mochaccinoland - aw, thank you, petal! i will! xx

danniekate - thank you, honey! i am already! xx

S - will do! and thank you, love! x

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