Tuesday, 5 February 2013

procrastination queen

Cardi - H&M
Dress - New look
Bag - Dad's old
Necklace - Gift
Earrings - Urban Outfitters

(Drew this some time ago, & stole the idea off someone on the internet!)

I have returned back from the depths of my bed and illness. I make it sound quite serious but I'm one of those people who think they will die every time they are feeling a bit poorly (I don't actually believe I'm about to die, but you know what I mean!). I can also be areal hypochondriac, and occasionally spend time reading different symptoms online. Sad, I ken.

Anyway, my week has started well. In addition to feeling a lot better, several fortunate events have occurred. The other day, I was going to get some milk, and found £20 laying on the ground! (Usually, I would try to be nice and see if I can find out who's lost their money, but not this time. About £15 was stolen off me months ago, alongside with my new phone, and for me, this was the universe giving back what was mine. On someone else's expense, but can't help it! I'm still waiting for that phone to show up...) And today, one of my lectures was cancelled which made my uni day considerably shorter. Yay!

Hope your week has been wonderful so far♥!


Corinne said...

Ah, finding money is wonderful, what are you going to spend it on?

Corinne x

Ashley said...

You continue to be the cutest.

mochaccinoland said...

hope u are all well now. cute peter pan collar ^^


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I hope you feel better! I have always been a hypochondriac. Make sure to stay off google and WebMD :)

Boheme.Fille said...

Very cute look! Love the bag! :)

Laura Jones said...

Corinne - so it is, dear! i actually just bought a cake tin and food with it.. student life, haha! x

Ashley - thank you, love! you're so sweet:-) x

mochaccinoland - i am, thank you, doll! peter pan collars are my favourite! xx

Optimistic Existentialist - thanks, hen, i do feel better:-) and i'll try and do that! x

Boheme.Fille - thank you, chick! x

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